How to do Acupressure Therapy.
Chinese Pressure Points and their location on Acupuncture Meridians.
Detailed self-help guide.
Let's list the most important points used in Qigong, Tai Chi and in Chinese Pressure Points therapy in general. All these points can be used for self-massage without limitations (except, you still need to have the common sense, also read the disclaimer), they help normalize the blood pressure, to fight the osteochondrosis, to open the capillary (ever had "cold hands"?) and to reduce the headache.
To learn How to do Acupressure Therapy (which points should be massaged first) please see tutorials on our web site, while this text is just to help you to locate them. Points are listed in no particular order.
Please keep in mind, that Chinese sounds a bit different from English, so my transcriptions are not perfect.
The point is located on the chest, in front of the middle dan tjan.
The point is located on the back of the head, right under the lower edge of the scull.
The point is located on the back, between the shoulder blades.
"The point of three channels". Located four fingers (width of fingers, not length) above the spherical bone on the inner side of the ankle. As its name states, the point is located at the interception of three Acupuncture Meridians.
The point is located under the disc of the knee. Rob it firmly with the side of the palm.
If you allow your hands to hang by the sides of your body, your middle fingers will touch these points. Located on the side of the thigh, these points are responsible for legs and waist area.
Draw imaginary lines, dividing the foot (without toes) to 3 parts. The point is located at 1/3 of the distance between the toes and the heel (closer to toes), at the middle line.
Another way of finding this point: grab the toes and bend them. The little pit will form at the flat of the foot. The point is located in the center of this pit.
Massage these points before you go to bed. Also, the point is used in Chi Gun practice to learn to move the "chi".
The point is located four fingers below the belly button. Used in Chi Gun practice to learn to move the "chi".
The point is located below the largest neck vertebrae (C7-T1). It is responsible for the immune system, and blood circulation in the neck and hands. Massage it with your fingers and palm.
The point between the eyebrows, the "third eye".
The point on the top of the head. A very important point, according to Chi Gun, the energy of the heaven enters here. Massage is performed by gentle slapping, as part of the Chi Gun warm up.
The point in the groins area, between the groins and anus. A very important point, according to Chi Gun, the energy of the Earth enters here. We do not massage this point directly.
Located at the back bone, at the waist level (between second and third low back vertebrae). Massage is performed by gentle slapping, as part of the Chi Gun warm up, we also massage this point in some Tai Chi Chi Gun forms.
Two points, located at the hand, 3 fingers above the wrist, at the inner and outer (where we wear the hand watches) side of the hand. These points are more sensitive to pressure, then the rest of the hand.
The massage is performed by hitting the points with the bottom side of the fist (where the baby finger is), or using fingers, with strong circular motions.
Draw an imaginary line between the 7th neck vertebrae and the top of a shoulder joint. Divide the line by two. The point is located at the top of the muscle, it is very sensitive. We need to massage it very well.
The point is responsible for hands, shoulders, brain and more. The massage is performed using the fist of the other hand.
The "point of immortality". Bend your knees. Put your palms on the kneecaps. Feel the outer edge of the bone, and place your ring fingers at the outer side of this edge. In Chinese medicine, the term "tsun" is used. The "tsun" is equal to the width of a thumb's fingernail, at the right hand for women, and left hand for men. Every person has his own tsun. The point is located at the shin, one tsun to the outside from the ring finger, when you place it as described above.
The point is massaged using fists (punching) or fingers, in which case you need to apply pressure, as the point is deep.
The point is responsible for the legs, and general longevity.
Bend your middle fingers. The point is located at the palm, where the tip of the middle finger touches the skin. The massage is done as part of the Chi Gun warm up routine.
On your elbow, find two spherical bones. The point is located between them.
This is a line, not the point, but it is used in self-massage routines. It is located on the inner side of the hand, between biceps and triceps, when you massage it, it is like trying to get deep to a bone. The line is quite sensitive.
Move apart the thumb and a pointing finger. Find the last (hidden) bone of the pointing finger. The point is located approximately at the middle of this bone, a bit UNDER it from the side of a thumb.
Massage is performed by the thumb of the opposite hand.
The point can be used as a "pain-killer", for headache, toothache and so on.
The point is located on the back side of a knee.
Located at the outer sides of the buttocks, these points are responsible for legs, lower back and lower part of the abdomen.
Yang family Tai Chi, Qigong exercises, Qigong meditation, Taiji Qigong, Tai Chi Martial Art, Tai Chi Meditation, Tai Chi 108 form, Tai Chi 40 form, Tai Chi 24 form